Harper Carroll
Born an actress from Manhattan. ~A decade in AI / Machine Learning at Stanford and Meta, now AI educator.
For business inquiries, please email partnerships@harpercarrollai.com.

- Illume Media Labs • Founder
- Education Laboratory. @HarperCarrollAI on Instagram and YouTube.
- Brev.dev • Head of AI/ML
- Building the most delightful way to find, provision, and configure AI-ready cloud instances for dev, training, and deployment. Full-stack eng.
- Meta • Software Engineer, AR/VR Emotional Wellbeing
- Built an emotional wellbeing product for an AR device.
- Facebook • ML Engineer, Integrity Intelligence + News Feed Ranking
- Developed a 0 → 1 ML system to detect & mitigate misinformation, up to the level of cyber warfare, targeted towards vulnerable populations ahead of the U.S. Presidential Election. As a result of its success, a new team spun out to apply the technology globally. Interned on News Feed Ranking, developing a ML model to determine whether a previously-seen post should be bumped in one's timeline after a new comment.
- Stanford University • B.S. + M.S. Computer Science, AI Specializaton
- Teacher Assistant (TA), and Course Development Assistant (CDA) for computer science/aerospace courses, including a PhD-level course, at Stanford (CS 238, Decision Making Under Uncertainty; CS 181, Computers, Ethics, and Public Policy; and AA120Q, Building Trust in Autonomy). Research Assistant at the Virtual Human Interaction Lab (VHIL), studying VR's ability to augment empathy.